Blickpunkt: Migrantinnen – Service Centre for labour market integration of migrant women in Saxony-Anhalt
For this purpose, it is designing flexible measures and modules for counselling, assistance, and coaching for migrant women. Free of charge, Blickpunkt: Migrantinnen focuses on structural obstacles, pushing in particular the awareness of actors on the labour market for the conditions and needs of migrant women in Saxony Anhalt with regard to their labour market integration.
The overall coordination of the project rests with the Caritas. Other institutions involved are the Europäische Bildungswerk für Beruf und Gesellschaft gGmbH (EBG) as well as Minor - Projektkontor für Bildung und Forschung gGmbH.
The Contact and Service Centre (Caritas) offers counselling and assistance as well as giving reference to other counselling institutions. This includes help when searching for a job or a job training, registering in work qualification modules, searching for suitable language courses, encountering problems with the residence permit, requiring childcare, or looking for a flat. Specific needs in terms of mobility, flexible childcare options as well as part time job trainings and qualification measures are fully taken into account in this respect. The women will be actively motivated to join the labour market, which should prevent them from cancelling measures they have already started.
Due to the current corona situation, the individual counselling of Caritas' contact and service centre will primarily take place via phone and email.
Job qualifications in form of modules are offered by the qualification sector (EBG): Learning German (learning in everyday situations), empowerment (promoting strengths, defining job perspectives), job preparation (language at work) as well as integration into the labour market (writing job applications/job interview training, meetings with companies, assisting the job start).
In order to secure a permanent assistance, the module-based qualification programme has been changed temporarily to online formats. This allows migrant women to make use of the offer from any location. You will get detailed information mostly via phone or email by the contact and service centre of the Caritas.
The contact and service centre is supported with scientific expertise (Minor), e.g. by means of creating professional documents and handouts, or designing and implementing thematic formats.
The joint project continues the successful groundwork of the Service Centre for Migrant and Fugitive Women in Saxony Anhalt (2017-2019), which had also been based at the Caritasverband für das Bistum Magdeburg e. V. and is still included in the network as a sub-project.